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Our Modern Slavery Statement  has been approved and published on the Australian Government Modern Slavery Statements Register,  and is also available to view on this website.

As Thinktank is not a bank, our Offset Facility is not a transaction account, but rather a component attached to the loan. You can read the Frequently Asked Questions in full HERE

Offset Facilities and Redraw Facilities are loan components that allow you to make additional payments to reduce interest.

The Offset Facility has a separate running balance and appears on your loan statement. For example, if your loan is $500,000 and you transfer $100,000 to the Offset Facility, your loan balance remains $500,000, but interest is charged on the net balance of $400,000. If the interest rate is 7%, your monthly savings would be about $575.34.

In contrast, the Redraw Facility does not show interest savings. There’s no running balance on your statement, and the redraw balance reduces your loan balance. For example, with a $500,000 loan and $100,000 in the Redraw Facility, your loan balance becomes $400,000. You will still be saving interest; however, you won’t be able to see how much interest is saved.

The way you transact will be the same for both Redraw and Offset Facilities.

We’re affiliated with most of the major aggregation groups including:

  • AFG
  • Astute
  • Connective
  • Finsure
  • Loan Market Group
  • Outsource
  • Yellow Brick Road

along with many others. Please contact our office for further information.

Yes, we offer highly valued introducer focused commercial and SMSF lending courses which carry MFAA recognised CPD points. Please contact our office or your Relationship Manager for more information.

Our application form may be downloaded from our helpful forms and tools and submitted by:


Please contact your Aggregator Accreditations Team.

All brokers must be accredited with Thinktank either directly or through an affiliated aggregation group prior to a loan settling. Loan applications may be submitted while the accreditation process is under way.